Wednesday, September 20, 2006

She's sick - AGAIN!!

Well we seem to be going through another bout of illness for Nikita that's lasting a month or more. Poor little chook. She's pretty stoic throughout though. First of all she came out with Hands, Foot & Mouth disease. I diagnosed it myself & with a little online research found that all that's recommended is paracetamol for fever & she's contagious until after the blisters have burst/dried/disappeared. Luckily that was approx 12 days before her party & she was only REALLY grumpy on Father's Day (although at that stage we had no idea why!).

The blisters had pretty much resolved by Friday so we were able to go to Playgroup last week - we'd missed the previous week because of HF&M. So she was healthy for Friday & Saturday & then on Sunday, her birthday, she woke up with a snotty, grotty nose. She partied on though, and I hope our guests were understanding of the lack of notice. Seemed to me a bit OTT to cancel a big birthday bash because of the common cold.

Yesterday, Tuesday, she spewed up in the car. She'd been complaining of feeling sick & needing medicine and/or cuddles for a while & let rip with the Mother Load on the way home. So the seat cover was ripped off when we got home & cleaned. The car was given a quick detail on Nikita's side - it was amazing how much spew made it underneath her booster seat!! Let's just say the upholstery isn't 'fantastic' these days.

This morning she woke up cranky as anything, had a drink of water & a cuddle & proceeded to throw up all the just swallowed water all down my back. Thank you very much!!

Then she perked up & the kids ate some brekkie (although neither had great appetites) & played happily with the playdough. I thought, great, they seem good enough to head up to Ikea to pick up a table & chairs set for their games room. We got as far as Leach Highway & Nikita let rip again. So we just continued on heading straight for home this time.

She's been fine ever since we got home. I put her into her new pj's which Karlene, Leo & Harrison gave her for her birthday. OMG they look so cute!! Satin pants & an orange Dora t-shirt. I'll have to take a pic of her when she's feeling 100%. Hopefully that's the last of it as we have Playgroup meeting tomorrow (oh that & the fact that I hate her to be feeling so blah!).

Sasha's been okay. I think she's had a touch of whatever it is as she's complained occasionally of feeling sick. Although with her you never can tell as she like to play the patient role. She's pretty sad at the moment though, missing Daddy (who left for work yesterday morning) and she really, really didn't want to go to daycare yesterday. Although when I picked her up she was as bright as a button.

Anyway, I'd best leave it there. Got a bed to make & some sleep to catch up on.

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