Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My Bright Button

Sasha's blown me away twice today as I've been reading her bed-time stories.

The first time was for her afternoon nap. We were reading a Pooh Bear ABC book and when we got to letter N, the picture was Christopher Robin, Pooh Bear & all the gang standing in a paddock with a stick stuck in the ground with a white flag tied to it and the word was "North Pole". So I read out the letter and then read out the words & Sasha said "That's not the North Pole!! There's grass there!" so I asked her was should be there at the North Pole and she said "Ummmmm ... snow." Wow, I didn't realise she had such a structured concept of what to expect at the North Pole already!

The second time was this evening we were reading a Richard Scarry Best Book of Words Ever. We were looking for the Gold Bug on each page. The second page was a house with a cross-section so that you could see the contents of each room. There were at least 8 people in the picture. My very first question was to ask if she could see a carpenter (not knowing in the least if she had any idea what a carpenter is/does/looks like) and she went straight to the piggie on the roof with a hammer poised and a nail 1/2 in. I asked why she thought he was the carpenter and she said because he's building the roof.

It really just amazes me how she knows the things she does as I know that they're not things that I've taught her.

Sadly I think I've come to realise that if I want to get the news, I'll need to start recording it as tonight they had something about school bullies and continuously since then she's just been telling me about how she doesn't want to go to school next year, and she was getting quite upset & distressed about it.

Obviously a topic I'm going to have to discuss with her again tomorrow, or the next day, or maybe continuously if she gets her way.


brazen's crafts said...

both my kids are constantly surprising me atm, especially emelia! it's very exciting as they develop before your eyes!

Anonymous said...

Has Sacha seen the episode of Dora where her & Diego go to the North Pole?

that's where Matt learnt about it having snow there. He thinks Perisher is the North Pole!!

I am constantly amazed at how much the kids pick up & even more amazed that they know the context in which to use the new info...mind-blowing!

Sasha is a very smart little cookie :D