Monday, September 04, 2006

Crocs & Daddies

We had a lovely day yesterday. Awesome weather. David got an electric razor, sun-shade tent & a wheelie can cooler. We went on a picnic to Wilson Park on the Canning River. We had a bit of a walk along the footpath & across the bridge. The girls thought it was great & kept singing "I'm a grumpy old troll, who lives under the bridge" from Dora the Explorer. Sasha was fascinated by the eddies of water under the bridge as the tide was going out (as was David!!).

Karlene, Leo & Harrison joined us for the picnic & a chat. Then we all packed up and headed around to Castledare Minature Railway for a ride on the trains. They were so cute. David was enthusiastic in his describing everything to Sasha. Nikita was out of sorts - she'd been pretty crappy all day which was a shame. Anyway, all the old 'engineers' and 'station masters' totally freaked her out, so she & I ended up sitting in the shade of a car whilst the others all had their ride. We were thinking we might do this each year for Father's Day (that David's home anyway).

I rang Dad yesterday afternoon & he was a bit down in the dumps. I wish I could have just given him a big hug & also get my girls to share their love - they're good at that! Hopefully he's feeling a bit happier today.

I'm still pretty shocked at the news that Steve Irwin "The Crocodile Hunter" was killed today. He leaves behind his wife Terri, and his daughter Bindi (8) and son Bob (3). It's so sad. I always thought he was a bit of a crack-up and strangely enough a bit of a genius too. But after having seen him so often on the Wiggly Safari DVD over the past 12 months, I think of him foremost as a great dad. I just sit here & think of poor Bindi, Terri & Bob & wonder if they are lying in bed awake crying their hearts out. I wonder how they spent Father's Day yesterday.

Got myself a pair of new shoes today from Target - those awful rubber 'gardening' shoes. I had heard that they are comfy & they are pretty darn good. Will see how they fare through summer, but am thinking of getting the girls a pair each as they will be easy for them to put on/off & easy care too.

Anyway, will leave it there. It's been a while since I last wrote so thought I'd drop in a line or 50. Off to a scrapbooking new release review tomorrow night, so looking forward to it!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dani. Steve Irwin's death has been big all over the world. His programmes were well known here and the U.S. It's made the news 2 days in a row. Very sad. Funny how you have bought some crocs. They aren't sold as gardening shoes here but as the new phenomenem of "ugly but comfy" shoes. A mate of mine is a seller of them and at a recent fun cricket match with friends he made a killing -- about 30 people bought a pair! I refused to join the crowd.....they are well ugly! I'm sure they'll be very practical though and perfect for the kids.
Love Belinda.

Anonymous said...

Hey was just rolling thru wanted to let ya know ya got a cool blog here Nice Job.

amanda said...

hey Dani.

LOL at you joining the crocs brigade :p

I have only just worked out what 'crocs' were *blush*

Yeah i am still reeling over the Steve news too - that poor family. We have the wiggly safari on video too - and it wont be the same watching that again :(