Saturday, August 19, 2006

Wow - 1000 hits

I wonder how many of those are mine??? :rolleyes: Although I know I'm in love with my own blog, I'm sure I haven't hit on it that many times.

Who are my secret readers? Just say g'day to let me know.


Anonymous said...

One stalker signing in :)

~Dizzy~ said...

sprung (aka Dizzy from EB)...

Can so relate to your previous post. This is what DH tells me before every playgroup meeting & P&C meeting "D, you must learn to sit on your hands when they call for volunteers".... oh well ...

brisnicki said...

Hello. I drop by now and then to see what's new? :) I love your site - you put me to shame as a web developer :) You are so talented with what you do with normal and digital scrapbooking. I also love seeing photos of my growing nieces :)

amanda said...

oooops - sprung *blush*