Sunday, July 23, 2006

Lovin' the Microsoft XP-Media Centre!!!

WOW!!! I finally got our wireless network working properly so that we can access our photos, music & movies, from the PC in the study, on our television in the Family Room. Awesome!!

Can't wait for Mr Antenna to come over on Tuesday & connect an aerial port in the study so that we can have digital television.

After much $$$, head scratching & generally having no idea how to fix the problems, I finally fixed it today. It was caused by our personal firewall settings, which I thought I'd fixed previously, but hadn't done quite correctly.

Gosh I'm so excited!!

Apart from that had a lovely day at home with the kidlets. They played outside for a few hours too, which was great as we're having a week of Winter starting tomorrow.

I also got through 4 loads of washing, cleaned the ensuite, and coloured my hair. I have yet to finish off by mopping floors, make our bed, and fold away the washing from today. But it does feel good to achieve so much.

I need to get some groceries tomorrow & make a few phone calls too. Ahhh, life is so exciting!!

Actually looking forward to Hi-5 concert at the end of October. Hopefully DB will put in annual leave form for a couple of days either side so that he can come with us this time.

Enough drivel, back to work!!

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