Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I've been slack!!

Okay, well maybe not slack exactly, just had a few other things of importance on my plate to deal with lately. Also having David home doesn't help with the blogging time.

We've spent the past few days cleaning out his shed. A job that, apparently, would take 1/2 an hour!!! Anyway, it's finally done. Then we spent some more of today looking at bigger sheds. LOL. I did give him the comment of I wonder how long it would take to clean out a bigger shed, but I think it when straight over his head. No matter how big my bag is, it's always full, and his shed is much the same.

Anyway, we discovered he's the proud owner of 12 cartons of empty Carlton Cold stubbies. Wow, what an achievement. He's been collecting the damn things for 3yrs now in order to do a brewery run. However he's disillusioned that they've changed their bottles in that time and now there's a miniscule difference in them.

We're off to Playzone in Fremantle tomorrow to catch up with Jacqui, Matt & Josh & maybe some of the other parents' group kids. Must say I'm not really keen on play centres as they're always a bit grotty. But the kids love them & have a ball & it gives me a chance to catch up with the other parents.

School holidays is over at the end of this week already, so next week we're back into swimming (2 days), day care for Sasha & Playgroup on Fridays. Also NannaJay's due back next Thursday. Can't wait to see her & Auntie Marisa (who got back on Sunday) to hear all about their trips & see some photo's.

Will leave it there. Here's a cutie photo of Miss Nikita has she played in the backyard today whilst we sorted out the shed. She is just such a pretty little girl (I know I'm biased, but she just is!!!).


Ben said...

lol. he collects Carlton Cold stubbies?

Stef Kindon said...

LUVLY pic of nikki!!
