Sunday, September 24, 2006


I just realised that the past couple of nights I've been dreaming of driving around Sydney, and I should know my way around there as I lived there for 18mths, but all the road layout has changed. I keep getting lost, and there's lots of one-way streets forcing me to go in a certain direction. I am finding it hard to navigate my way to anywhere important.

I'm blown away as that's exactly how my life feels at the moment. Amazing what an analogy the brain can come up with when left to its own devices.


amanda said...

Dani - ahh ihope things straighten out soon. Yep i agree with the whole dreams are incredible thing - i had one the other night about being in a plane crash with my best mate - it was soooooooo real and i woke up scared out of my brain. I think it was because of trying to plan our holiday and was feeling so stressed about it LOL! Weird.

Ben said...

since i only JUST discovered this blog, this post might seem a bit old. But i always have dreams where i try 2 grab somthing and it moves. freaky