Saturday, August 05, 2006

Toilet Training Update - 5 August 2006

We're trying again, Sasha & I. I somehow feel that she's really trained/able, just not really willing. I guess that's the catch. We tried yesterday & she had 3 or 4 accidents & not really any successes. She gets so upset with her accidents. She stands there crying & saying she needs a nappy.

This morning she woke up early with a poo-bum & I called her down to my room. We had a little cuddle & I had a chat with her about how we're going to keep trying with the toilet training & she's going to be wearing knickers now, except for sleep time. I told her she doesn't need to get upset if she has an accident & that I'll always love her, no matter what. I also told her she will get a small reward whenever she does a wee on the toilet - an M&M.

Today, no accidents!! Well aside from the poo-bum when she woke up this morning, and a poo-bum in the middle of her afternoon sleep. She almost made it to the toilet that time too!!

I'm going to persist with the knickers all the time & small reward to the end of next week, and if she's still going great guns, will have to see about either weaning off the M&M's, or taking the next step of knickers to bed in the afternoon.

Okay, off to do some more scrapping...! Loving my Saturday nights at home!!

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