Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Day Care, Milk Runs & Kindy!!!

Sasha's Day
Sasha slept in my bed last night as a Super Duper Special Treat for having no accidents yesterday. All night long she kept talking about needing to do a wee wee or doing a wee. I think she was dreaming. It was so nice having her to snuggle up to & she loved it too. She kept stroking my cheek or hair, or giving me a kiss as she was going off to sleep.

This morning she wasn't so happy when she discovered it was day care day. However once we got there , she was quite happy to sit down with the other kids & give me a kiss goodbye, so that was great.

She wore her knickers there & didn't have any accidents again. But the carers did say she was reluctant to use the toilet & when she got up after afternoon rest time, her pull-ups were very full. Still I take this as a positive thing - she's really learning to hold on & get good bladder control.

We ended up having pizza for dinner as I didn't have the right veges for the beef stir fry I'd planned. Oops. I guess a quick trip to the shops is on for tomorrow morning. Sasha did use the potty before we went out to pick it up with just minimal encouragement. Gosh it's so much easier when she decides she wants to be cooperative.

Then at about 7pm she had an accident in her knickers. I should have reminded her to go maybe, but I guess the accidents are as much part of the learning curve as anything else.

Nikita & My Day
Nikita & I spent the morning running around. We dropped off some Playgroup toys to a women's refuge & Sasha & Nikki's old carseat to Larissa's. Then we went to the shops to get bread & milk (& no stir fry veges!!!). We got home at lunchtime. After lunch we went outside & had a bit of a play around with the cars/bikes. I tidied up the backyard & pulled some weeds out of the front garden. It was lovely & sunny for the most part. Nikita got bored pretty quickly - as she does, and wanted to come back inside to do some colouring in. So we came in & did that for about 5 minutes, before she had had enough of that too.

The Kamakaze Kid is really pushing the boundaries lately. She's just so naughty - pushing buttons on the stereo, opening doors & drawers to anything & everything, climbing on things that she shouldn't - like the coffee table, standing on the top of her stool, not coming when she's called, or even worse running away!! She's driving me even more insane (if that's at all possible). All this naughtiness is done with a giggle & a grin, which makes it very hard to be serious when I tell her off. Such a different kettle of fish from Miss Sasha.

Kindy 2007
We got a letter in the mail today to say that Sasha's had her enrolment accepted at Atwell Kindy. We knew that she would/should as we're in their catchment anyway, but it's a bit exciting at the same time. There's an information session in November & we have to send a reply/confirmation of our acceptance within the next few weeks. Exciting news that Katie McKay has also been accepted as she's out of the area, but is a good friend of Sasha's. She and Sasha are from the same parent's group and she's come to play for the last few Fridays as her mum's been at work, and they do Day Care together on Tuesdays too. They get along really well, so I'm really pleased that she got in too.


amanda said...

Hi Danielle :)

Great job with the TT! I am scared to go there yet with Piper but it sounds as if Miss S has it covered! Great going!

amanda said...

PS. i know what it is like having Kamakaze kids *roll eyes* How siblings can be sooooooo different i will never know *sigh*