Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tomorrow is a day of celebration

according to Miss Nikita. Daddy & I are going in to Pre-Kindy for parent roster & we're taking with us her Honey Joys which is what she has requested for her birthday cake for her school friends. She & I whipped them up this arvo whilst Sasha & Daddy were at dancing.

Nikita's very excited about the start of her birthday celebrations which will take almost a full week to play out. She has PreK celebration tomorrow, then her actual party on Saturday. Her birthday is on Wednesday, which also happens to be family dinner night for September, so she'll have another cake then. Talk about spoilt. But it's so hard not to spoil her - she's just too gorgeous for words!!

Yesterday she & I were in the car going to the shops (as we do! lol) & she was talking about butterflies. I asked her if she knew what the person who looks after & learns about butterflies is called - she didn't. I told her it was a Lepidopterist. She pipes up with "oh, I saw a Lepidopterist on tv last week!" It was yet another of those Far Out!!! moments that she gives me. She understood the whole context of the conversation, she pronounced it perfectly, she remembered seeing someone on TV from a week or two ago - I vaguely recall her seeing someone in a butterfly enclosure on Totally Wild or something like that - so she definitely knew what I was on about. Geez she just amazes me so often!


Kirsty said...

Well, not only am I impressed that she couls say it..I am impressed that YOU know it..I would have said 'butterfly keeper' LOL

Happy birthday Nikkita!

Anonymous said...

How clever are you?? No wonder Nikki is smart!!